We’re Newish!

Australia’s first student run agency.

Born in 2019 by a group of visionary students and a lecturer at the University of Queensland, Newish is Australia’s first student-run agency. We’re kinda new to this thing, but our passion, innovation, and creativity drive us to offer something never seen before. Our approach is experienced (ish), acquired newly (ish), and professional (ish), combining the industry’s best with our fresh outlook. We provide comprehensive solutions to elevate any business, big or small, to the next level.

Watch a video about our agency!

So exactly who are we?

We are a diverse group of hand-picked UQ students from a wide range of disciplines. Ranging from backgrounds in Marketing, Advertising, Economics, Communications and I.T, we have a spread of talents allowing us to tackle any problem.

Newish was created to be a place of work-integrated learning where we can apply skills learned in the classroom to real-life solutions.


Our History

October 12

An Idea Sparks

With a vision to revolutionise the business learning environment in Australia and provide students with work integrated learning opportunities, Dr Nicolas Pontes launched the concept of a student run agency.
November 25

Newish was born!

After two weeks of interviews and a selection process that decided the first students who would kick-start the agency, Newish was born.
March 9

Newish Grew

Newish grew to 23 students from three different faculties, 12 different Majors, and from diverse cultural backgrounds, including domestic and international students.
August 24

Newish Grew Some More

Newish recruits new additions to each of our teams!
November 25

Newish Turns 2!

After two amazing, jam-packed years Newish has finally turned two!
November 1

Newish keeps on growing

Newish expands KPMG Case Competition Finals IAA Sydney Finals