Our Team

We’re a mixed bag of advertising aces, marketing marvels, strategic superheroes, PR pros and production powerhouses. But while our backgrounds may differ, we are unified by our passion for learning and growing. It’s time to get familiar with our team!


Sonia Tay

Managing Director

Caitlin Baptist

Director of HR & Operations

Thursina Bayu

Director of Marketing Strategy

Chunkit Lee

    Director of Social Media

Hannah Acutt

Director of Creative Strategy

Jess Ryder

Director of Public Relations

Tahlia Evans

Director of Client Services

Marketing Strategy

Naomi Gourley

Marketing Specialist

Camryn Voerman

Marketing Trainee

Michelle Lin

Marketing Trainee

Paul Jayson Amongol

Marketing Trainee

Public Relations

Max Doyle

Public Relation Manager

Laura Gloster

Public Relations Manager

Adika Arka Ramadhan

Public Relations Trainee

Kyle Rode

Public Relations Trainee

Remy Matthews

Public Relations Trainee

Bella Bradbrook

Public Relations Trainee

Social Media

Shakira Raziq

Social Media Manager

Melody Appleton

Social Media Coordinator

Cynthia Tönhardt

Social Media Assistants

Maddie Pryde

Social Media Coordinator

Creative Strategy

Leo Hoang

Senior Creative Strategist

Kai Yu Foong

Creative Trainee

Katelyn Chow

Creative Trainee

Client Services

Munashe Kamupini

Client Services Trainee

HR & Operations

Valencia Astono

Senior HR Manager