LinkedIn is the biggest professional network platform in the world. It is an amazing way to grow your personal brand and company, but it can be difficult to know how to start. LinkedIn has many great features that you can use to build your profile and improve your experience.

We have put together our top four tips to ensure that your LinkedIn page is polished and professional. Whether you are new to LinkedIn or have been cultivating your profile over the years, these handy tips will help you stand out amongst the crowd.

1. Update Your Profile Picture

LinkedIn is a purely professional platform, so opt for a headshot or professional photo of yourself. Make sure that your profile picture is relatively current, and only features you – no friends, dogs, or family allowed. Save your fun photos for Facebook and Instagram!

2. Create a Personalised Link

If you want your profile to stand out, having a personalised LinkedIn link is the way to do it. Not only does having a personalised link keep your profile looking consistent, but it also makes it easy for contacts and potential employers to find you.

To create a personalised link, simply follow these steps:

  1. Go to account settings,
  2. Click the ‘privacy’ tab,
  3. Then go to ‘edit your public profile’,
  4. Finally, update your custom URL to your full name.

3. Add New Sections

Once you have filled out your employment history, skills, and education, bulk up your LinkedIn profile by adding more sections to highlight your unique skills and experience. Be sure to include any volunteer or charity work you have completed, and write a reflection on your experiences. In another section, write about the causes that you support. Potential clients and connections will be able to get a better picture of who you are if they know more about the things that matter most to you.

Showcase your talents by including a section about the additional languages you know, and make sure to include your proficiency levels in both written and verbal communication! Additionally, be sure to include any awards or honours that you have received in your LinkedIn profile.

4. Personalise your Connections

Personalising your invitations to connect is a sure-fire way to build lasting and meaningful connections on LinkedIn. It’s tempting to send the auto-filled invitation request to potential connections, but to make a lasting impression, you should write a personalised message instead. If you know the person you’re connecting with, mention where and how you met.

Don’t be scared to connect with people you don’t know. LinkedIn in all about building your professional network, and connecting with people in similar fields or industry pros that you admire is the best way to do this. When connecting with someone that you have not met, make sure you tell them why you want to connect and introduce yourself as well.

If you or your business is struggling to navigate the world of LinkedIn, get in contact with us today and see how we can help you grow your social platforms.